
Top 5 digital marketing ideas for Motorcycle Dealers

How can a motorcycle dealer promote his business online? These incredible machines are still quite useful for people looking for a more agile means of transportation and continue to be popular throughout their community of enthusiasts. Today we will show you the best digital marketing ideas to reach your entire audience. Click, and let's see!


Benefits and Disadvantages of Using Animation on a Website

It seems like these days, customers cannot go anywhere, be it a land-based store or an eCommerce website, without experiencing a sensory overload inflicted by countless brands fighting for their attention. Next, there comes the matter of staying in the spotlight and retaining that attention. After all, every business wants to get noticed, which is only natural, as being seen equals profit.


Business Purpose: How to find the "why" of your company?

Have you ever wondered why your brand exists? It is not a metaphorical question. Getting the reason behind your brand can propel it to new levels. So, do you want to discover the "why" behind your business? Click and learn!


The Top 8 Chatbots For Your Website (2023)

If you’re hoping to improve customer retention and loyalty, provide around-the-clock support and solve your customer’s issues as efficiently as possible, we’d recommend implementing a chatbot


Brand Safety: How to protect your business on Social Media?

If you want your business to be successful, it needs to be on social media. Despite this, its great popularity does not make it a place free of danger, and that is when the question arises for businesses of how to protect their brands on social networks. Scammers, hackers and fake links, what are the real threats within social media platforms? Click and find out!


Top digital marketing ideas for the wine industry

Digital marketing is important for winery businesses because it allows them to connect with a wider audience and promote their products and services in a more efficient and effective way. Read this guide to know more.


How To Mitigate The Risks of Logistic Management?

It's important to be aware of the risks involved in logistic management and take steps to mitigate them. By understanding the risks and taking the necessary precautions, you can minimize the chances of something going wrong and keep your business running smoothly.


Top 8 digital marketing ideas for Hotels & Resorts

After two years in lockdown and the borders closed for tourism, the hotel and resort industry is experiencing a remarkable resurgence. That's why at Codedesign, we bring you the eight most effective ideas to market your tourism and hospitality venue.


10 Reasons Why Transcription Must Be a Part of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Transcription isn’t a new concept. In fact, it’s been around for centuries. However, with the rise of digital marketing and AI-powered tools, it has seen a resurgence recently. With so many different methods of marketing available to businesses today, it can be difficult to determine which ones are worth your time and money.


Microsoft Bing Ads VS Google Ads

Google Ads and Microsoft Ads are amazing tools for advertisers to connect and communicate with their target audience. Most businesses and marketers prefer to advertise on both of them to maximize results. However, here is a quick comparison between the two for you to understand the similarities and differences between the two.