
5 Business Inteligence Tools to use besides Google Data Studio.

Google Data Studio is a great Business Intelligence tool for our business, but, if you consider yourself a good marketer you should know that Google is not the only platform out there. The BI tools market has grown a lot and with this has arrived a wide variety of platforms that could help your business to grow and succeed, even more than "Mr. Google". Do you want to know these BI Tools, click this article and read more about them.


Thank You pages: How to generate leads from them?

The thank-you page is the landing page where your prospect is redirected after performing a CTA, and it is one of the most prime times when the prospect may take action. Hence you need to optimize your landing page to impart the most value to your customers and motivate them to purchase or share your brand on social media.


5 Performance tips to get new clients into Luxury Real Estate websites

Luxury Real Estate is a profitable market for realtors, but you won't get many homebuyers if they don't visit your website. If you want to find new house owners for your properties, check out these 5 performance tips to drive more traffic to your website.


Is Online the best channel for caregivers and retirement homes?

Retirement homes are a safe place for older adults who need to relax and have a good time. But, how do we market to this elder audience? In their time, TV, newspapers and radio were the main communication channels, so is there any opportunity to use digital media to advertise them? Well, click on this article to find out if Online is the best channel for caregivers and how you can reach your audience with digital marketing.


How to use Geo-fencing successfully?

Location based marketing has been on the run for several years, but no feature like Geo-fencing has helped more local stores around the world. Allowing local stores to send ads to smartphones close to their zone, this tool can be what you need to drive more customers to your local store. Read more to find out how can you use it!


AI Chatbots : How could they improve user-experience?

Conversational marketing is revolutionizing the customer service market. The AI-powered chatbots play an essential role in generating more leads, revenue, improving user experience, and saving resources and time.


How to use AI to Identify “Hot Leads”?

Hot Leads are those customers that are closer to buy our products, they can be all around in our social media platforms and we don't notice them. So, how can we as humans identify all these potential customers? The answer is, with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Let´s find out how this technology can help us identify "Hot Leads"


Amazon Listing: 10 tips on how to optimize your product page to maximize sales.

Amazon product listing is a crucial step in your Amazon marketing business. You must have a full-proof Amazon marketing strategy and follow all the Amazon SEO tips to perform the best.


Is Facebook Pay the next big thing for payments?

We know PayPal and Google Pay, but have you ever used Facebook Pay? Yes, the platform created by Mark Zuckerberg now offers a feature to pay and receive money, but is it the new big thing?


10 Digital Marketing ideas for Online Pharma Products

Medicines have saved the lives of many, but what are the best tactics to market them online? This article will show you all the new useful strategies to sell your pharma products online, and we go from artificial intelligence to review management.