
How to capitalize on the new trends in senior living business?

The new trend in the senior living business is having a home like residence with the focus on making the senior residents live an easier life. And, making all services and support accessible 24/7 has also been a major shift as it drastically uplifts the life quality and overall customer experience.


How to improve the business model of senior living business?

Develop a business model that caters to the benefit of the people and you would see yourself winning in the long run. Constantly focus on improving customer service. This can be done by training employees on how to appropriately interact with residents and their families and tracking customer satisfaction levels regularly.


3 ideas to increase lead quality for senior living business

As a Senior Living business owner, you need to have an online presence and increase the lead quality to survive in the market. You should provide the best services to your customers and have an effective strategy in place to get constant leads.


How to use customer feedback loop in senior living business?

A customer feedback loop in senior living business is a customer experience strategy that uses customer reviews, opinions, and suggestions to constantly improve your product. The principle of mutual engagement between the firm and its customers underpins this feedback loop.


5 Trends in Senior Living and Senior Care Marketing

Many baby boomers are looking for a new home where they can spend some quality time with the best care. Senior houses are the best place for this big target audience, but what are the new trends to reach them within the digital world? Click and read to find out!


5 new ways to acquire customers for senior living businesses.

The senior care market is huge and has immense competition. So, to excel in your marketing strategies, it is necessary to ensure that you have the right strategy in place.


Five things VCs expect you to know

Investors look for why the founder is the right person to lead that startup and how would they take it to the next level. It would be best if you were customer-centric and obsessed with your customers. You should know the competitive landscape and have a firm grip on your differentiated benefits.


7 ideas for Successful Senior Living Marketing

Marketing senior living houses has its specific strategies. First-hand, we can ask ourselves, who are we going to reach? The guests or your children? Then come other questions, what methods should we use? Social media or PPC? Get seven practical ideas plus answers by reading this article!


Multicultural Digital Marketing Agency: Why is it your best choice?

For almost two decades, we have seen how cultures have mixed worldwide, forcing brands to adapt their strategies to multicultural marketing. World-renowned brands use this type of practice, and today we will explain why having an agency of this type can help you achieve new goals in your business. Click and read!


Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter! Should marketers worry about it?

The wealthiest man in the world, Elon Musk, wants to buy Twitter, and as marketers, we can only wonder, will this affect our work within the platform? Read and discover what awaits us within the bluebird social media.