
How to benefit from Social Stories? Are all Social Stories the same?

Social stories are tools that we use to show our daily life and interact with our followers. But how can your brand benefit from this feature? Also, are all social stories the same? As we always say, every social media has its own strategy, and in this article you will find out how to take advantage of social stories in the most used platforms.


Digital Marketing Agency: Hiring the right one

A digital marketing agency could help you interact with your 'right audience' at the customer's preferred time, way, and platform so that you stand out in this competitive strata.


5 tips on finding the right channel to engage with that specific audience

Digital marketing offers us a wide range of options when it comes to channels to convey our message. However, how do we reach our specific audience? In this article, you will know how to identify which channels are best suited to your potential customers.


How can FMCG companies keep up the increase in sales after COVID 19?

Food, drinks and health care products, all of them are provided by FMCG. While this industry has adapted its strategy to deliveries and online stores, a new sun rising is on the horizon, and sooner or later, the pandemic will be over. So, what are the next steps for this type of business when that moment arrives? If you are interested, click this article and find out more information on this topic.


The third generation audiences and how to market them

Millennials and Generation Z... Who understands them? Being the next generations in the workforce they are occupying a greater space in every market and you should know how to market them. Knowing their characteristics and what they really care about is the first step to build a great marketing strategy for them.


Internet Advertising Agency: 5 Tips on how to Choose One

The right digital marketing agency could help you optimize your sales funnel and improve your positioning in the market. Look for a trustworthy and credible agency with experience in your niche.


Researching and understanding our target audience respecting Privacy

Privacy is a topic that many customers keep talking about. Knowing that artificial intelligence and social media keep track of their activities on the web doesn't make them feel so comfortable. While marketers may understand that it is just for marketing, some don't feel the same, and that's when we ask, how can we understand our audience without breaking their privacy? Click on this article to find out more about it!


How to get new patients to your Cosmetic Surgery clinic?

The amount of people wanting to get plastic surgery has increased in recent years. With this tendency, Cosmetic Surgery Clinics are looking for the right marketing strategies to engage with them, and this article will show you all the information you need for your aesthetic business!


How can Youtube be used to build awareness for the Food and Beverage industry?

How do you create a good marketing campaign in the food and beverage industry? Reading the descriptions of the menus or reviews on Yelp can whet your appetite, but there is nothing that can cause more visual shock than seeing all the food and drinks being prepared and even eaten. With YouTube, creating awareness about this industry is more effective, and we will teach you how to do it in this article!


How can diet and well-being companies benefit from digital marketing?

Every day more people choose to give up junk food and a sedentary lifestyle to live a more fulfilling life. In this way, diet or wellness companies have become more popular, being debated on almost all social networks. In this article, we will answer you how digital marketing can help a company of this type.