Codedesign Augmented Analytics tool enables technologies such as machine learning and AI to assist with data preparation, insight generation and insight explanation to augment how your costumers explore and analyze data in analytics and BI platforms. It also augments the expert and data scientists by automating many aspects of data science, machine learning, and AI model development, management and deployment. 

Detailed information about every person who visits your web site 

•Live view of every individual visitor on your site right now.

•On-site analytics allowing you to view analytics integrated into your web site

•Built in URL shortener with detailed visitor metrics

Heatmaps segmented by goals, split tests, visitor sessions, and more

•Uptime monitoring and speed loading monitoring.

•Automatic HTML5 history support (pushState, replaceState, and window.onpopstate)

•IP tags & Traffic Tags

Get the real traffic

•Referrer spam and bot filtering

•Filters to ignore traffic based on country, referrer, and more

•Search keyword rankings

Dynamic goals (don't need to be pre-defined)

•Track visitors who have disabled JavaScript

•Video analytics

•Alerts via email/mobile  & API


With Codedesign Augmented Tools and based on data processed by its AI-powered technology, our solution is able to identify and analyze trends, gaps and anomalies, provide suggestions for optimizations and notify you of any potential performance issues, even before they occur.