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Maximizing ROI in Senior Living Services through Google Ads and Meta Advertising


One crucial strategy for senior living companies is to deeply personalise their marketing efforts based on the insights gained from analytics. It's not just about knowing the age, geographical location, or interests of your senior living audience; it's about understanding the nuances of their decision-making processes. Senior citizens and their families are increasingly tech-savvy, using Google and social media to research and make informed decisions about senior living options. They're not just looking for "a place to live"; they're searching for communities that offer a sense of belonging, activities that match their interests, and services that cater to their specific health and lifestyle needs.

To stand out, senior living companies should focus on creating content that resonates on a personal level. For instance, using Google Analytics and Meta's Insights, you can uncover patterns such as the most searched for amenities within a senior living community or the types of social activities that generate the most engagement on social media. With these insights, tailor your content to highlight these aspects, like showcasing resident testimonials that touch on these amenities or featuring blog posts and social media content that align with these interests.

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Keyword Strategy for Google Ads

Keyword Strategy for Google Ads

Research and Selection

When aiming to identify high-intent keywords that potential residents or their families might be using in their search for senior living options, one highly effective technique you should consider is leveraging the "Searches related to" feature at the bottom of Google search results pages. This strategy is straightforward yet often underutilised, offering direct insights into the specific phrases and questions real people are typing into Google. These queries reflect the concerns, desires, and intentions of your target audience, providing a goldmine of information for optimising your content and SEO strategies.

Here’s how you can make the most of this technique: Start by entering broad terms related to your services, such as "senior living options" or "assisted living near me", into Google. After reviewing the initial search results, scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the "Searches related to" section. This section displays queries that are closely linked to your original search, highlighting variations and specific concerns potential residents or their families might have.

For instance, you might find queries like "pet-friendly senior living communities" or "senior living with medical care services". These are high-intent keywords because they go beyond general information seeking; they indicate a searcher who is looking into specific aspects of senior living communities, possibly with an intent to make a decision.

Another strategy you should embrace involves leveraging long-tail keyword research, especially through the use of question-based keywords. This approach is particularly effective because it aligns with the natural language queries increasingly used in voice searches and detailed text searches. Potential residents or their families often seek specific information, asking detailed questions to find communities that best match their needs.

To implement this, use tools like AnswerThePublic or even Google's own "People also ask" section. These platforms reveal the exact questions that people are asking about senior living communities, ranging from the cost and services offered to the activities and level of care available. For example, you might find queries like "What is the average cost of senior living near me?" or "How do senior living communities ensure the safety of their residents?" These questions are gold because they indicate a searcher with a high intent to understand and possibly make a decision based on the information they find.

Incorporate these question-based long-tail keywords into your content strategy by creating informative blog posts, detailed FAQ sections, and resource guides that answer these questions comprehensively. This not only boosts your SEO by matching the exact queries your target audience is typing into search engines but also positions your brand as a helpful and authoritative source of information. By addressing the specific concerns and questions of potential residents and their families, you increase the chances of engaging them deeper into the decision-making process, moving them closer to choosing your community.

Competitive Analysis: Tools and methods to analyse competitors' keyword strategies and identify gaps and opportunities.

A highly effective, yet often underappreciated, tool for analysing competitors’ keyword strategies is SEMrush’s Competitor Keyword Matrix. This tool allows you to directly compare your keyword profile with that of your competitors, offering a clear view of the search terms you're both targeting, as well as those your competitors might be focusing on that you've overlooked. It provides a strategic advantage by highlighting gaps in your own keyword strategy and uncovering opportunities to target keywords that are bringing traffic to your competitors but not yet to you.

By using SEMrush’s Competitor Keyword Matrix, you can identify which keywords are driving the most traffic to your competitors’ sites, how they rank for those keywords, and the volume of searches each keyword receives. This detailed insight enables you to refine your keyword selection, focusing your efforts on terms that can drive the most impactful results for your business.

Moreover, this analysis can reveal valuable niche areas that your competitors might have missed or areas where they’re not performing strongly, offering you a chance to fill those gaps. For instance, if you notice that several competitors are ranking well for “luxury senior living communities” but not for “affordable senior living communities,” and the search volume for both terms is substantial, this might indicate an opportunity for you to target “affordable senior living communities” more aggressively.

Long-Tail Keywords: Importance of targeting long-tail keywords for higher conversion rates and lower competition.

The true value of focusing on long-tail keywords lies in their specificity. When potential residents or their families use long-tail search terms, they're typically further along in their decision-making process. They know what they want, and they're searching for providers that meet their specific needs and preferences. For example, a search for "senior living communities with Alzheimer's care" indicates a much higher intent to find a community that offers specific care services than a generic search for "senior living."

This specificity leads to higher conversion rates for two main reasons: First, because these searchers are looking for exactly what they want, if your community matches their search criteria and you've targeted those long-tail keywords effectively, you're more likely to convert these visitors into leads. Second, long-tail keywords face less competition from other sites, making it easier for your content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). High rankings increase visibility, which, in turn, leads to more clicks and, ultimately, more conversions.

How do you ensure that your ad copy is compelling and authoritative?

Emotional connection

Developing ad copy that forges a strong emotional connection with your audience, particularly in the context of senior living communities, hinges on emphasising care, comfort, and community. This approach is not just about selling a service; it's about understanding and addressing the deep-seated emotional needs and concerns of both potential residents and their families. When people search for senior living options, they're not just looking for a place where their practical needs will be met. They're seeking a community that feels like home, where they or their loved ones will be cared for, comfortable, and connected to others.

To craft ad copy that resonates on this emotional level, focus on storytelling. Share real stories about the residents and staff that highlight the warm, caring environment of your community. Instead of simply stating that you offer comprehensive care, illustrate this through anecdotes that show how your staff goes above and beyond for residents, creating a sense of family. For comfort, paint vivid pictures of the cosy, welcoming spaces within your community and the personalised touches that make each resident's living space feel like home. To convey a sense of community, describe the social activities, clubs, and communal areas where residents form lasting friendships and support networks.

An effective example of this approach is an ad that tells the story of a resident who found a new lease on life after moving into the community. The ad could describe how the resident, once isolated and lonely at home, now leads a weekly gardening club, celebrates birthdays with new friends, and enjoys evenings filled with laughter and conversation in the communal lounge. This narrative doesn't just inform; it evokes a powerful emotional response, painting a picture of a community that's not just a place to live, but a place to thrive.

Highlight your Unique Selling Point(USP)

Crafting a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that effectively sets your senior living community apart demands a focus on the unique aspects of your service, such as specialised care units, distinctive amenities, or engaging activities, that resonate with your target audience’s needs and preferences. It’s essential to communicate not just the features of your community, but also how these features translate into tangible benefits for residents and their families, emphasising the positive impact on their lives.

When highlighting specialised care units, for instance, it's not enough to simply state that these units exist. Dive deeper by explaining how these specialised care units provide personalised and advanced care for residents with specific needs, such as memory care for those with Alzheimer's or dementia. Describe the training and expertise of your staff, the innovative therapies used, and the supportive environment that enhances the quality of life for residents, giving peace of mind to their families.

Amenities offer another avenue to distinguish your community. Instead of listing amenities like a fitness center or a library, illustrate how these amenities contribute to a vibrant, active lifestyle. Share stories or testimonials about residents who have discovered new hobbies, improved their health, or formed new friendships through these facilities. Highlighting unique amenities, such as a community garden or an on-site spa, can further differentiate your community by appealing to specific interests and desires for a fulfilling lifestyle.

Activities and programs are also crucial in setting your community apart. Detail the range of activities offered, from educational classes to social outings, and emphasise how they cater to a wide array of interests, promoting lifelong learning and social connectivity. Share success stories of how these activities have led to remarkable experiences for residents, such as a resident who learned a new language or another who showcased their artwork in a community exhibition for the first time.

Optimise landing pages for a better Google Ad Rank score

landing pages for a better Google Ad Rank score

Focus on user experience to create an intuitive experience 

When designing senior-friendly landing pages that are intuitive and geared towards driving conversions, it's essential to prioritise simplicity, clarity, and ease of navigation. The user experience should cater specifically to the needs and preferences of seniors, ensuring that the landing page is not only accessible but also engaging and straightforward to use. This approach can significantly reduce bounce rates and enhance the likelihood of conversions.

Firstly, opt for a clean, uncluttered design that uses plenty of white space to avoid overwhelming users. A cluttered page can be confusing and difficult to navigate, especially for seniors who may not be as tech-savvy as younger audiences. The goal is to make the visitor’s path to conversion as simple and direct as possible.

Use large, legible fonts and high-contrast colour schemes to ensure that all text is easy to read. Many seniors have impaired vision, so it’s crucial to make text readable without straining. Consider a font size of at least 16px, and use colours that stand out against their backgrounds to help users easily distinguish between different elements on the page.

Incorporate clear, concise calls-to-action (CTAs) that stand out and tell the user exactly what to do next, whether it’s "Call Now," "Book a Tour," or "Request More Information." These CTAs should be prominently placed and repeated strategically throughout the page to guide users towards taking the next step.

Simplify the navigation by minimising the number of clicks required to reach important information or complete actions. A straightforward navigation menu with clearly labelled sections helps users find the information they need without frustration. Consider including a search function to help users directly find specific information they might be looking for.

Accessibility features are also critical. This includes offering options to adjust text size, contrast options for better visibility, and ensuring that your site is compatible with screen readers. Making your landing page fully accessible not only improves the user experience for seniors but also complies with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards, broadening your reach and avoiding potential legal issues.

Lastly, integrate customer testimonials and trust signals prominently on your landing page. Positive stories and endorsements from current residents or their families can provide the emotional reassurance needed to encourage potential residents to take the next step. Trust signals, such as accreditations, awards, or Better Business Bureau ratings, further build credibility and trust with your audience.

How is CRO one of the most crucial aspects?

CRO in ads

Use A/B Testing for Key Messages and Imagery: Test different versions of your headline and key messages to see which resonates more with your audience. For senior living, emotional appeal combined with clear, concise information can significantly impact decision-making. Similarly, imagery that reflects the community's atmosphere, showing happy residents in various activities, can evoke positive emotions. You might test images of residents in social activities against more serene, peaceful imagery of the living environment to see which drives more inquiries.

Optimise Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: The CTA is critical in guiding visitors towards the next step, whether it’s contacting your community, scheduling a tour, or requesting more information. Test different CTAs to find the most compelling language and design. For example, "Schedule Your Visit Today" might perform differently from "Discover Your New Home." Also, consider testing the placement and colour of these buttons to make them as noticeable as possible.

Leverage Heatmaps and User Session Recordings: Understanding how visitors interact with your page can reveal much about their preferences and needs. Heatmaps might show that certain sections of your page—such as testimonials from residents or details about amenities and care options—receive more attention, indicating areas you should highlight. User session recordings can uncover where potential residents or their families hesitate or drop off, providing insights into where you need to simplify the process or provide more information.

Simplify Forms and Conversion Paths: The process of expressing interest or requesting information should be as straightforward as possible. Use A/B testing to find the optimal form length and fields. For a senior living audience, reducing the number of fields and ensuring clear, large text can help decrease friction and increase the likelihood of form submissions.

Testimonials and Trust Signals: Given the importance of trust in choosing a senior living community, A/B testing the placement and presentation of testimonials, accreditation badges, and other trust signals can be very impactful. You might find that featuring these elements prominently on your landing page or even incorporating video testimonials increases conversions by providing reassurance and credibility.

How do you ensure that you make the maximum of Meta advertising?

Meta advertising

When leveraging Facebook and Instagram for reaching decision-makers in families considering senior living options, the platforms' advanced targeting capabilities become invaluable. These tools allow you to narrow down your audience to those most likely to be involved in the decision-making process for senior living, ensuring your advertising efforts are both efficient and effective.

One powerful approach is to use Facebook's detailed targeting options to focus on demographics, interests, and behaviours that align with your ideal decision-makers. For example, you can target adults in the 40-65 age range, as they are often the children of seniors and may be looking for living options for their parents. You can further refine this by targeting those with interests that suggest a responsibility for senior care, such as those who follow pages or show interest in elder care services, senior health, or related support groups.

Behavioural targeting is another critical tool. Facebook allows you to target users based on their purchase behaviour, device usage, and other activities. In the context of senior living, targeting users who have shown a behaviour indicating they are likely caregivers, such as purchasing caregiving products or services, can help you reach those actively involved in caregiving roles.

Life events targeting can be particularly effective. Facebook's life events targeting allows you to reach people at specific intervals before or after significant life milestones. Targeting adults who are newly retired or those experiencing 'empty nest' scenarios can provide an opportunity to connect with individuals who are likely to be exploring senior living options for themselves or their loved ones.

Additionally, using Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences can enhance your targeting strategy. By uploading a list of current inquiries or residents, you can create a Custom Audience to retarget individuals who have already shown interest in your community. Furthermore, you can use this Custom Audience to create a Lookalike Audience, which allows Facebook to find and target new users who share similar characteristics with your existing leads, potentially uncovering new decision-makers interested in senior living options.

How do you launch a campaign with targeting capabilities?

 launch a campaign with targeting capabilities

Define Your Campaign Objectives

Start in Facebook Ads Manager: Choose “Create” to start a new campaign.

Select Your Objective: Choose an objective that aligns with your goals, such as 'Lead Generation' if you're looking to gather inquiries or 'Brand Awareness' to increase visibility among your target audience.

Set Up Your Ad Set

Define Your Audience: In the ad set section, focus on defining your target audience. Use demographic targeting to specify age ranges likely to be decision-makers for senior living arrangements, such as adults aged 40-65.

Leverage Detailed Targeting: Include interests and behaviors that align with caregiving or senior living decision-making, like interests in senior care services, health care, or retirement planning.

Utilise Life Events Targeting: Target users based on relevant life events, such as adults going through retirement or those with parents likely to be in the senior age range.

Consider Geographic Targeting: Select the geographical areas where your target audience is located, focusing on regions around your senior living community or broader regions if you serve multiple areas.

Create Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences

Custom Audiences: If you have a list of leads or inquiries, you can create a Custom Audience by uploading this data to Facebook. This allows you to retarget individuals who have already shown interest in your services.

Lookalike Audiences: Use your Custom Audience to create a Lookalike Audience. This feature finds users similar to your existing leads, expanding your reach to potential new decision-makers.

Choose Your Placements

Automatic Placements: Allows Facebook to optimise placements across its platforms for the best performance.

Manual Placements: Select if you prefer to specifically choose where your ads appear, such as only on Instagram Stories or Facebook News Feed.

Set Your Budget and Schedule

Budget: Decide on a daily or lifetime budget for your campaign, based on your marketing resources.

Schedule: Set the start and end dates for your campaign, or leave it running continuously for ongoing lead generation.

Design Your Ad

Select Ad Format: Choose from formats like single image, carousel, or video based on what best showcases your senior living community.

Upload Creative Assets: Include high-quality images or videos of your community, highlighting amenities, activities, and aspects that appeal to your target audience.

Write Compelling Ad Copy: Craft messages that resonate emotionally, emphasising care, comfort, and community. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) like “Learn More” or “Schedule a Visit”.

About Bruno Gavino

Bruno Gavino is the CEO and partner of Codedesign, a digital marketing agency with a strong international presence. Based in Lisbon, Portugal, with offices in Boston, Singapore, and Manchester (UK) Codedesign has been recognized as one of the top interactive agencies and eCommerce agencies. Awarded Top B2B Company in Europe and Top B2C company in retail, Codedesign aims to foster personal relationships with clients and create a positive work environment for its team.  

He emphasizes the need for digital agencies to focus on data optimization and performance to meet the increasingly results-driven demands of clients. His experience in digital marketing, combined with a unique background that includes engineering and data, contributes to his effective and multifaceted leadership style.

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About Codedesign

Codedesign is a digital marketing agency with a strong multicultural and international presence, offering expert services in digital marketing. Our digital agency in Lisbon, Boston, and Manchester enables us to provide market-ready strategies that suit a wide range of clients across the globe (both B2B and B2C). We specialize in creating impactful online experiences, focusing on making your digital presence strong and efficient. Our approach is straightforward and effective, ensuring that every client receives a personalized service that truly meets their needs.

Our digital agency is committed to using the latest data and technology to help your business stand out. Whether you're looking to increase your online visibility, connect better with your audience, get more leads, or grow your online sales. For more information, read our Digital Strategy Blog or to start your journey with us, please feel free to contact us.

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