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Beauty Retail: Expanding Brand reach: How to use Youtube to become a success story

Beauty Retail

YouTube plays a pivotal role in establishing your brand and maximizing reach, particularly in industries where visual appeal and demonstration are key, like in the beauty niche. The platform's feature to showcase products in action through video content significantly influences customers’ purchasing decisions.

YouTube boosts brand authority via product demonstrations and tutorials. The beauty content videos have increased on the platform from 300M to 700M. There are around 75 hours of beauty video content uploaded daily on the platform by vloggers and renowned influencers.

Influencers and brands use YouTube to showcase how makeup products look and how to use them. These demonstrations often provide viewers with a clearer understanding of a product’s functionality and benefits. For example, a foundation's true color shade, coverage, and finish are more accurately represented in a video, in comparison to text-based content. Brands like Fenty Beauty have leveraged this aspect by showcasing their wide range of foundation shades, leading to an informed and thus more confident customer base.

The youtuber’s reviews and testimonial videos significantly impact brand’s growth and success. Customers often look for reviews on YouTube before making a purchase decision. A positive review from a trusted YouTuber can lead to direct sales. The authenticity of these reviews, especially when coming from influencers or everyday users, builds trust in the product. 

In a recent survey done under Google in collaboration with Kantar, U.S. beauty, it is found that Youtube is the leading platform in the beauty niche that generates primary revenue closely followed by Google search.

In addition, talking about paid traffic, YouTube ads allow brands to reach potential customers who are already interested in similar products or services. These ads can be highly targeted based on viewer demographics, interests, and online behavior, making them more effective.

 Furthermore, YouTube's integration with e-commerce platforms adds to its role in driving sales. Features like shoppable ads and direct links to product pages in video descriptions make it easier for viewers to make immediate purchases. This seamless integration reduces the steps between discovery and purchase, enhancing the likelihood of impulse buys and quick decision-making.

Now, let’s delve into the case study of the beauty brand Glossier; on how they expanded their brand reach with their new and different YouTube strategy.

How we helped Shiseido - the global beauty giant?


Shiseido, a global beauty giant, has a rich heritage in creating innovative and high-quality beauty products. Recognized worldwide, the brand has established a significant presence in the beauty industry. Shiseido aimed to enhance its digital presence and engage with a broader audience on YouTube, a platform bustling with potential customers. The primary challenge was to explore and captivate new target demographics while reinforcing its brand image. To meet this challenge, our team at CodeDesign developed a tailored strategy focused on YouTube. We began by conducting in-depth market research to identify untapped audience segments that aligned with Shiseido’s brand values and product offerings. This research was pivotal in understanding the content preferences and viewing habits of these new target groups.

Leveraging this insight, we crafted customized YouTube campaigns. These campaigns were designed to resonate with both existing and potential customers, showcasing Shiseido’s innovative products through engaging and informative content. We focused on creating high-quality video content that highlighted Shiseido's unique selling points and brand story. Additionally, we utilized advanced targeting techniques on YouTube to ensure that our content reached the desired audience segments. This included optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords, and employing YouTube’s sophisticated advertising tools for precise audience targeting.

10 Youtube marketing strategies that works best for beauty niche

Youtube marketing strategies

Tutorial-Based Content: One thing the customer primarily looks for is the “how to use” tutorials in context of beauty products. Keeping this in mind, it is essential to make tutorial-based content to make your customer understand how your product works, what precautions do they need to take, and how effective is your product in solving their problem. In the beauty industry, tutorials are a staple. The key here is to balance product placement with genuine useful content, ensuring viewers come away feeling they've learned something valuable.

Collaborations with micro beauty Influencers: Collaborating with micro beauty influencers on YouTube can significantly amplify a brand's reach. Like, we have mentioned in the case study above, the Glossier strategy to target micro influencers and build a genuine connection with the buyers. 

These influencer collaborations often include creating unique content, like special edition makeup tutorials using the collaborator's favorite products,  brand’s shoutout and some discount codes on new arrivals. This strategy not only taps into the influencer's loyal following but also lends authenticity to the brand, alongside adding inquisitiveness to the customer’s mind for new product launches.

Behind-the-Scenes Content: Show a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes world of product development or company culture that can help foster a deeper connection with the audience. Start vlogging behind-the-scenes and show your real side of the brand. Record about the topics that are relevant to your brand, share your brand history, a “day in the life” of a person working in the beauty niche. This transparency builds trust and keeps viewers engaged with the brand story.

User-Generated Content: Encourage your customers to share their own experiences with products. This can be incredibly effective. Brands can host contests or challenges, asking users to post their own tutorials or reviews. Use social media to interact with your users and engage with them and ask for recommendation videos. These videos when posted on YouTube can build massive trust and authenticity.

Product Launches and Live Demos: Utilizing YouTube for live product launches or demonstrations can create buzz and immediacy. Cosmetic brands have successfully used live streams to launch new products, providing real-time demonstrations and Q&A sessions. This strategy helps in creating excitement and a sense of event around a product launch.

Seasonal and Trend-Based Content: Beauty trends change as quickly as sky colors. With every celebrity event or red carpet, there is a new buzz, a new look that goes into the trend. With these rapid movements, aligning content with current trends or seasons is crucial. Brands like Sephora excel at this by creating themed content around occasions like Halloween or Christmas, or even beauty trends like the natural makeup look. This keeps the content relevant and timely, encouraging repeated viewership.

Inclusive and Diverse Representation: Embracing diversity in YouTube content can broaden a brand’s appeal. Fenty Beauty by Rihanna revolutionized the beauty industry by showcasing a wide range of skin tones in its product range and marketing. This inclusive approach should be mirrored in YouTube content, appealing to a diverse audience.

Educational Content Beyond Beauty: Sharing content that educates viewers on topics related to but beyond beauty products can position a brand as a thought leader. Beauty lovers are hungry for these videos and proactively look for videos on YouTube that teach them what skincare is, what makeup is, how to do it, what is best, what is working and so on.

Consistent Brand Storytelling: Maintaining a consistent brand narrative across videos helps in building a recognizable brand identity. Glossier’s YouTube content, for instance, consistently emphasizes simplicity and real beauty, mirroring their overall brand ethos. This consistency helps in building a loyal viewer base.

Interactive Sessions: Engaging directly with viewers through Q&A sessions, polls, or responding to comments can create a sense of community. The audience feels heard and connected to the brand.

5 Paid Youtube marketing Strategy

Paid Youtube marketing Strategy

YouTube Ads: Utilizing YouTube's advanced targeting capabilities allows beauty brands to reach specific demographics and interests. Brands can use in-stream ads targeting users interested in luxury beauty products or those who frequently watch makeup tutorials. These targeted ads can appear before or during relevant YouTube videos, ensuring that they reach an audience that is likely to be interested in their products. The key is to craft ads that are engaging and relevant to the viewers' interests, thereby increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

Sponsored Product Reviews with Influencers: Paying influencers for sponsored product reviews is a powerful strategy. Brands can partner with beauty YouTubers who align with their target market for sponsored content. For example, a skincare brand focusing on organic products might collaborate with influencers known for their commitment to natural beauty. These influencers can create dedicated videos reviewing or using the products, providing an authentic endorsement to their engaged audience. Since trust is a major factor in influencer marketing, it's crucial to partner with influencers whose audience trusts their recommendations.

Shopping Ads on YouTube: YouTube's shopping ads allow viewers to see a list of featured products and directly purchase them. This is particularly useful for beauty brands during product launches or special promotions. These ads can be used in the tutorial videos, where viewers can directly click and buy the products being used. This not only simplifies the purchasing process but also capitalizes on the impulse buying behavior that often accompanies watching beauty product demos.

Remarketing Campaigns for Retargeting Visitors: Remarketing campaigns on YouTube target users who have previously interacted with the brand’s website or YouTube channel. This strategy works well for keeping the brand top-of-mind and encouraging repeat visits. For instance, if a user visited the product page but didn't make a purchase, you can use YouTube remarketing ads to show that specific product to the user while they're watching beauty-related content on YouTube. This keeps the product and the brand in the viewer's mind, increasing the chances of conversion.

Brand Takeovers on YouTube Home Pages: This strategy involves buying ad space on the YouTube homepage for a day, providing massive exposure. It's a high-impact approach that's suitable for big product launches or major brand campaigns. This type of campaign is usually part of a larger, multi-platform marketing strategy, aiming to create buzz and drive substantial traffic.

Bottom Line

The key to a successful YouTube marketing strategy for a beauty brand is rooted in creating authentic, engaging content that resonates with its target audience. This involves a deep understanding of the brand's unique audience demographics and interests, and tailoring content that speaks directly to them. 

It's about storytelling that connects on a personal level, showcasing how products can be integrated into the everyday lives of users. Successful beauty brands on YouTube don't just sell products; they build communities around their brand ethos, offering value beyond the product through tutorials, tips, and engaging with followers in the comments and through community posts, live sessions and Q&As.

FAQS - Frequently Asked Questions 

How can YouTube influence customer purchasing decisions in the beauty industry?

YouTube significantly influences customer purchasing decisions in the beauty industry by serving as a visual platform where users can see products in action. The platform enables beauty brands to engage with their audience through detailed product reviews, demonstrations, and testimonials. By showcasing the effectiveness and versatility of their products in high-definition videos, brands can build trust and credibility with potential customers. Additionally, YouTube's algorithm customizes user experiences, presenting beauty-related content that aligns with individual interests and preferences, thus influencing purchasing decisions by highlighting products that meet specific user needs. For instance, a viewer interested in organic skincare might be directed to videos featuring eco-friendly beauty products, subtly guiding their purchasing decisions towards brands featured in these videos.

What role do product demonstrations and tutorials play in building brand authority on YouTube?

Product demonstrations and tutorials are crucial in building brand authority on YouTube. They provide a platform for brands to showcase their expertise and knowledge in the beauty industry. Through these videos, brands can educate their audience on the benefits and correct usage of their products, establishing themselves as trusted experts in their niche. Demonstrations and tutorials offer tangible proof of product effectiveness and versatility, which can significantly influence viewers' perceptions and buying decisions. By consistently providing valuable and informative content, brands can cultivate a loyal community of followers who regard them as go-to sources for beauty advice and recommendations. This perceived authority not only enhances brand reputation but also fosters a deeper connection with the audience.

How do influencer collaborations on YouTube benefit beauty brands?

Influencer collaborations on YouTube offer beauty brands a powerful avenue to expand their reach and credibility. Influencers with substantial followings bring a ready-made audience that trusts their opinions and recommendations. When these influencers feature products in their videos, whether through reviews, tutorials, or hauls, they lend their credibility to the brands, facilitating a sense of trust among their viewers. This endorsement can significantly boost brand visibility, drive traffic, and increase sales. Additionally, influencers often provide authentic and engaging content, which resonates well with viewers and can lead to higher engagement rates compared to traditional advertising. Collaborations can also tap into niche markets, allowing brands to reach specific demographics more effectively.

Why is YouTube considered a primary platform for revenue generation in the beauty sector?

YouTube is considered a primary platform for revenue generation in the beauty sector due to its extensive reach and the engaging nature of video content. With billions of active users, YouTube offers unparalleled access to potential customers worldwide. Video content allows beauty brands to showcase their products in a dynamic and interactive way, making it easier to demonstrate benefits and applications, which can directly influence purchasing decisions. Moreover, YouTube's advertising platform provides targeted options that enable brands to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that marketing efforts are focused on the most relevant audiences. The platform also supports direct links to product pages and integrates with e-commerce platforms, simplifying the path to purchase. These features, combined with the influence of beauty vloggers and influencers, make YouTube a potent tool for driving sales and revenue in the beauty industry.

What are the advantages of YouTube ads for beauty brands?

YouTube ads offer several advantages for beauty brands, including targeted reach, measurable impact, and creative flexibility. The platform's sophisticated targeting options allow brands to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, search behavior, and viewing history, ensuring that ads are shown to users most likely to be interested in their products. YouTube's analytics tools provide detailed insights into ad performance, such as views, engagement rates, and conversion metrics, enabling brands to measure the impact of their campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly. Additionally, YouTube supports various ad formats, including skippable and non-skippable video ads, bumper ads, and sponsored content, giving brands the creative flexibility to design campaigns that resonate with their target audience. This variety allows beauty brands to experiment with different content styles and messaging to discover what works best for engaging their audience and driving sales.

How does YouTube's integration with e-commerce platforms drive sales?

YouTube's integration with e-commerce platforms drives sales by creating a seamless shopping experience directly from the video content. This integration allows viewers to click on products featured in videos and be taken directly to the product page on an e-commerce site where they can make a purchase. For beauty brands, this means that product demonstrations, tutorials, and influencer endorsements can directly translate into sales without requiring viewers to leave the platform to search for the products separately. This streamlined path from discovery to purchase reduces friction in the buying process, potentially increasing conversion rates. Additionally, YouTube provides features like shoppable ads and product shelves that further enhance the e-commerce integration, making it easier for brands to highlight products and for viewers to shop their favorite beauty items directly through the platform.

Can you provide an example of a beauty brand that successfully expanded its reach using YouTube?

A notable example of a beauty brand that successfully expanded its reach using YouTube is Glossier. Founded as a blog before evolving into a cosmetics and skincare brand, Glossier leveraged YouTube to build a strong community around its brand ethos of beauty in real life. The brand utilized a mix of product demonstrations, tutorials, and customer testimonials to showcase its products' simplicity and effectiveness. By engaging directly with its audience through comments and incorporating user feedback into product development, Glossier fostered a sense of community and loyalty among its customers. The brand's focus on real beauty and inclusivity, demonstrated through a diverse range of models and influencers, resonated with viewers, significantly expanding its reach and driving sales. Glossier's success on YouTube underscores the power of authentic engagement and community-building in amplifying brand reach in the beauty sector.

What strategies are effective for creating engaging content in the beauty niche on YouTube?

Creating engaging content in the beauty niche on YouTube requires a blend of authenticity, creativity, and strategic planning. One effective strategy is to produce a variety of content types, such as tutorials, product reviews, behind-the-scenes looks, and Q&A sessions, to cater to diverse viewer interests. Personalizing content by sharing personal stories or experiences with beauty products can foster a deeper connection with the audience. Collaborating with influencers and other creators can also introduce the brand to new audiences and add credibility. Consistently incorporating audience feedback and requests into content creation shows viewers that their opinions are valued, encouraging engagement and loyalty. Additionally, highlighting the brand's unique selling points, such as ingredient transparency, ethical practices, or innovation in product development, can differentiate the content in a crowded market. Employing high-quality visuals and keeping up with beauty trends and seasonal topics can further enhance viewer interest and engagement.

How can beauty brands use YouTube to showcase diversity and inclusivity?

Beauty brands can use YouTube to showcase diversity and inclusivity by creating content that reflects a wide range of beauty standards, skin tones, genders, ages, and body types. Featuring a diverse group of models, influencers, and customers in tutorials, product demonstrations, and brand storytelling videos can help viewers see themselves represented in the brand's offerings. Brands can also engage in conversations about diversity and inclusivity within the beauty industry, sharing their commitments to these values through interviews, panel discussions, and collaborations with activists and thought leaders in the space. Highlighting products that cater to diverse needs, such as extensive shade ranges and formulations for different skin types, can further demonstrate a brand's commitment to inclusivity. By actively promoting diversity and inclusivity, beauty brands can build a more inclusive community on YouTube, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty among a wider audience.

What paid YouTube marketing strategies are recommended for beauty brands?

For beauty brands looking to leverage paid YouTube marketing, several strategies stand out for their effectiveness. Utilizing TrueView ads, which viewers can choose to skip after five seconds, allows brands to pay only when someone chooses to watch at least 30 seconds or interacts with the ad, ensuring budget is spent on engaged viewers. These ads are ideal for longer-form content like product launches and tutorials. Bumper ads, six-second non-skippable snippets, are effective for increasing brand awareness and reaching a broad audience with concise messages. Beauty brands can also benefit from using YouTube's Shopping ads to directly link viewers to purchase pages, making it easier to measure direct sales impact. Targeting is key in these strategies; brands should focus on audiences based on interests, search behavior, and demographics relevant to their products. Continuous testing and optimization based on performance analytics are crucial to refine targeting and creative approaches, maximizing ROI from YouTube ad campaigns.

About Bruno Gavino

Bruno Gavino is the CEO and partner of Codedesign, a digital marketing agency with a strong international presence. Based in Lisbon, Portugal, with offices in Boston, Singapore, and Manchester (UK) Codedesign has been recognized as one of the top interactive agencies and eCommerce agencies. Awarded Top B2B Company in Europe and Top B2C company in retail, Codedesign aims to foster personal relationships with clients and create a positive work environment for its team.  

He emphasizes the need for digital agencies to focus on data optimization and performance to meet the increasingly results-driven demands of clients. His experience in digital marketing, combined with a unique background that includes engineering and data, contributes to his effective and multifaceted leadership style.

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