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Starting a business can be a challenge, and even more so in the digital age. Where do you spend your marketing budget? How do you get the most for your money? What digital marketing services are going to make the biggest difference? If you’ve found yourself asking these same questions, below are five essential digital marketing services that every business, regardless of size or industry, should be leveraging:

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of improving your brand’s performance and visibility on search engines. Search engines are one of the most important channels for driving traffic to website. They are like online highways, streamlining users to the places on the internet they want to go. 

If search engines can be compared to highways, then Google is the I-405, processing an average of 40,000 search queries every second. And out of the thousands of search results, nearly half of all clicks go to the websites ranked in the top five positions.

CTR vs position SERP

Given this correlation between position on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and click-through-rate (CTR), if you want your webpage to get clicks, you need to be at the top. This is where Search Engine Optimization comes into play. There are many different SEO techniques, some which occur “On-Page” (like keyword optimization), and some which occur “Off-Page” (like strategic link building). A well-rounded SEO strategy should involve a combination of both in order to effectively boost your rankings on search engines.

Social Media Presence

Having a social media presence is no longer considered a “plus” for businesses, but a “must.” In modern consumer society, social media goes far beyond aesthetics; it’s critical for building brand authority. Sure, it gives you a platform to shape your brand voice and identity, but it’s also an opportunity to give your business credibility. In fact, most individuals consult with social media before making an online purchase, and users are reported to be 71% more likely to buy based on social media referrals. 

If you are lacking a quality and credible social media presence, then you might be losing out on a lot of potential customers, so make sure to include this in your digital marketing strategy.

Paid Search

Paid Search ads allow your brand to show up in the coveted top ranked positions on Search Engines. Given that these positions can take months, and sometimes even years to reach organically, paid search ads give you the visibility you need when you need it.

 By bidding on the keywords or search queries that you want your website to appear for, you can guarantee your spot on the SERP. 

Additionally, these ads work on a pay-per-click only basis so you to make the most of your digital marketing budget. The potential problem with paid search, however, is that if you aren’t working with experts, your ads may be featured in non-relevant search results. This can result in unqualified clicks and paying for uninterested traffic, so make sure to stay vigilant with your strategy.

Content Creation and Maintenance

Content marketing is the fuel of a successful inbound marketing strategy. If you aren’t creating and sharing relevant content on a regular basis, you’re missing out on a huge share of online visibility. While content can take many forms, from videos and infographics to blogs and ebooks, the main type of content that new businesses should always focus on is blog content. 

Well produced blog content is a powerful method for two main reasons: brand ethos and SEO. First, a strategically written article is a great way to create value for your audience and position your brand as a trustable resource. Good content is the fuel to the inbound marketing process. 

Second, blogs are a huge contributor towards organic traffic. Blog content gives you the opportunity to leverage and reinforce for the keywords that you want to show up for on Search Engines. An educational or entertaining blog also give users an additional reason to enter and engage with your website.

Web Analytics

In any type of marketing strategy, you need to analyze your results to see what’s working and what needs improvement. Thankfully, there are plenty of free online tools to analyze everything from lead generation to sales conversions. Using tools like Google Analytics can help you understand how well your online marketing is working, and where it needs improving. 

Although developing a digital marketing strategy may seem overwhelming, Codedesign is here to help. Our experts work closely with each client to define needs and execute digital marketing strategies that generate real and measurable results. 

To learn more about our digital marketing services, give us a shout.

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